The quaint old building stared in the tranquility of the darkness. The canopy of twinkling stars, the cool zephyr, dew drop stricken grass. The dew drops glimmering like tiny diamonds on the velvety carpet. The strong heady scent of the jasmine flower cut through the misty air with an intoxicating aura. The silence of the night is filled with the shrill chirps of crickets. The air is nippy. The fog hung around like a gentle curtain that was waiting to be unveiled to discover a beautiful painting underneath. The silence of this night is music. There is a stream in the hills nearby that is gurgling like a newborn. The moon has appeared high in the sky. The shimmering rays illuminate the dark sky. Trees were covered in silvery was as if the moon spilled over everything to make it look pristine.

The woods were quiet. if you stepped on a leaf, it would echo multiple times through the length of the forest. The labyrinth of trees stood still basking in the chilly air and the veil of darkness that had descended on the forest.The hairpin bends and narrow terrain look invitingly dangerous.
The sprawling lawns, variegated flowers, the outlandish mansion, the ceiling of brilliantly glimmering stars against the black sky coupled with the rocking breeze.What a feeling it brings to the heart.that's nature at its rawest best.No filters.No makeup.The life that ahead has to be filled with this serenity. It probably exists deep down inside lost amongst the chaotic disarray of monotony and maze of madness. We don’t have the time to unearth it because simplicity is probably old fashioned. or we are consumed by complacency. To watch nature at this ungodly hour is what enforced my belief in darkness. Darkness is beautiful. It fills up your soul. Allows you to take in the goodness of the chalky light, make up stories with silhouettes and imagine a world in your eyes. Fill that up with your dreams and let it fly. The light still allows you to look at the flawlessly imperfect moon. The carpet of the sky lined with a million shining stars with a ray of hope. The music of the night is what brings immense joy. Afterall darkness is not always about bringing in is A feeling. The ability to live in it without expecting the light to leave no scope for imagination. The beauty of darkness lies in humming to the music of the night. The music of silence
The woods were quiet. if you stepped on a leaf, it would echo multiple times through the length of the forest. The labyrinth of trees stood still basking in the chilly air and the veil of darkness that had descended on the forest.The hairpin bends and narrow terrain look invitingly dangerous.
The sprawling lawns, variegated flowers, the outlandish mansion, the ceiling of brilliantly glimmering stars against the black sky coupled with the rocking breeze.What a feeling it brings to the heart.that's nature at its rawest best.No filters.No makeup.The life that ahead has to be filled with this serenity. It probably exists deep down inside lost amongst the chaotic disarray of monotony and maze of madness. We don’t have the time to unearth it because simplicity is probably old fashioned. or we are consumed by complacency. To watch nature at this ungodly hour is what enforced my belief in darkness. Darkness is beautiful. It fills up your soul. Allows you to take in the goodness of the chalky light, make up stories with silhouettes and imagine a world in your eyes. Fill that up with your dreams and let it fly. The light still allows you to look at the flawlessly imperfect moon. The carpet of the sky lined with a million shining stars with a ray of hope. The music of the night is what brings immense joy. Afterall darkness is not always about bringing in is A feeling. The ability to live in it without expecting the light to leave no scope for imagination. The beauty of darkness lies in humming to the music of the night. The music of silence
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