The monotony of city life was getting to me.All I needed was some peace and quiet.This is what I had been telling myself from the last few days.My mind was in a flurry.Like a blender of all fruits trying to get squished together to form a juice.You would not really know what fruit gave which flavour but they all had their presence.My thoughts were spiralling down a deep abyss.They knew no gravity.Concealed within the silence of my mind where it was floating like a feather in gentle zephyr.No aim ,gentle sweeps yet remaining in the air to convey a message.I had to snap free from the trappings of my thoughts.It had wrapped me tight occasionally putting me though some vexation or allowing me to smile at odd was the city.while I could blame anything,external forces are easy to blame.I decided that I needed to get some fresh air.Afterall air is the solution to most problems.I usually walk down to the local park or those quiet residential roads covered in patches of cool shadow.I needed to calm myself down and getting my mind working to accomplish some mundane tasks.i could not afford to spend my time staring at the sky smiling to myself.This wasn’t a romantic musical.the lanes were unusually quiet.i could not walk where I could hear my own breathing.o walked towards a skywalk.I ambled my way up.i rested my arms on the cool railings and looked at the traffic below.The utter chaos.Everyone scurrying my thoughts.the air reeked of smoke.Noise clogged my ears.Angry motorists flashing their headlights.From a distance it looked like a brilliantly lit sky with twinkling chaos.a magnified view told me a different story.Here I was standing above the roads watching these vehicles whiz by.How many ambulances were stuck waiting for a tiny path to move ahead?how many heart patients were out there praying fervently in the traffic hoping that the madness would die?how many office goers college students waited anxiously to go home.Evwry one of those vehicles had their reason.A meeting ,a date ,last few moments with a loved one or pregnant women waiting to bring a new life on this earth.Everyone had to stay ahead move on with life.Nobody had the time to pause ,enjoy the evening or listen to slow songs.itwas about reaching your destination.i stood there with my thoughts murkier than ever.
What I witnessed next is something that shook my roots.
A tiny kitten tried to weave its way past the whirlwind of cacophony.It wanted to just make a point,a presence felt.It wanted to fly amidst the chaos.feel the road beneath its tiny paws.experirnce the thrill running through its fragile step.All it took was one step.A heart wrenching meow with a rain of blood soaking the evening.Two halves lay writhing in excruciating pain.Eyes slowly giving into the door of death.
Teeth weren’t even there to make a bite mark.The world probably didn’t stop moving.Vegicles continued to move as always.The sun would dry the blood,vehicles would squish the lifeless body.crows would scavenge on the remains.i stood on the skywalk wondering about the point of everything.
What I witnessed next is something that shook my roots.
A tiny kitten tried to weave its way past the whirlwind of cacophony.It wanted to just make a point,a presence felt.It wanted to fly amidst the chaos.feel the road beneath its tiny paws.experirnce the thrill running through its fragile step.All it took was one step.A heart wrenching meow with a rain of blood soaking the evening.Two halves lay writhing in excruciating pain.Eyes slowly giving into the door of death.
Teeth weren’t even there to make a bite mark.The world probably didn’t stop moving.Vegicles continued to move as always.The sun would dry the blood,vehicles would squish the lifeless body.crows would scavenge on the remains.i stood on the skywalk wondering about the point of everything.
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