Monday, July 8, 2019

The Beggar

It was a windy day.

The sun scorched down on the dusty streets, all the parched earth asked for was a spot of rain.

It didn't seem to matter to a lot of people.

Their lives were woven into work.

Monday mornings meant that time spiralled down like a lead ball on a helical runway in a vacuum.

Hectic schedules, meetings, life was a timetable.

Things had to move as per the schedule and quickly.

The air was tense,traffic-clogged the streets, blaring music, tumultuous horns a thick cloud of smoke contained the lifeline of the city.

This is probably what we refer to as development and being busy and globalization.

Amidst this chaos, sat an old lady on the pavement.

People whizzed past her as if she was non-existent.

An occasional passerby shot a glance, probably pity or disgust at the plight of the woman.

Some dropped a coin or two.

She remained unfazed.

The traffic worsened with the passing hour, the smoke made vision blurry.

However, the bright eyes of the wizened woman cut through that din.

I was perplexed, people were cursing the weather, city, developments and continued to contribute to the turmoil.

I cut my way through the smoke, walked across to the lady.

I had to ask how her day was halcyon while the rest of the world was in a disarray.

While I was determined to learn the secret, her virtuous vision stopped me.

The place was dingy, she crouched in a small corner, she was rather fragile.

Even that inch of land was not something she could own.

Yet how did this clangour make her retain her composure?

Her eyes continued to stare at me perplexed and going closer I realised that she was blind.

Are all our emotions so haywire because our eyes are open to everything?

In pursuit of what is termed is happiness or fitting in,are we blindly chasing what the herd does instead of blinding ourselves to the fracas?

Who is blind really?

Is our faith blinded in humanity that we fail to notice people around us suffering,that we do not pause to make it better?

Are we blinded by ambition that we run mindlessly in a maze stalking a dream that fits perfectly only
with what we think is an ideal life?

Once the smoke clears,we will probably know.

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